
about 220 - about 280


刘辉 中国古代数学家, 曾给九章算术作注,计算圆周率 π,精确到了小数点后第四位。


429 - 501


祖冲之 中国古代数学家、天文学家,他计算圆周率 π,精确到了小数点后第七位, π 的近似值 355/113 也是他提出来的,称为密率。


450 - 520

祖暅 中国古代数学家,祖冲之之子,在计算体积的过程中提出了祖暅原理。

Niels Henrik Abel

1802 - 1829


In 1824 Abel proved the impossibility of solving algebraically the general equation of the fifth degree.

Archimedes of Syracuse

287 BC - 212 BC


Archimedes was the greatest mathematician of his age. His contributions in geometry revolutionised the subject and his methods anticipated the integral calculus 2,000 years before Newton and Leibniz. He was also a thoroughly practical man who invented a wide variety of machines including pulleys and the Archimidean screw pumping device.

Jacob (Jacques) Bernoulli

1654 - 1705


Jacob Bernoulli was a Swiss mathematician who was the first to use the term integral. He studied the catenary, the curve of a suspended string. He was an early user of polar coordinates and discovered the isochrone.

Bernard Placidus Johann Nepomuk Bolzano

1781 - 1848


Bolzano successfully freed calculus from the concept of the infinitesimal. He also gave examples of 1-1 correspondences between the elements of an infinite set and the elements of a proper subset.

Georg Ferdinand Ludwig Philipp Cantor

1845 - 1918


Cantor founded set theory and introduced the concept of infinite numbers with his discovery of cardinal numbers. He also advanced the study of trigonometric series.

Augustin Louis Cauchy

1789 - 1857


Cauchy pioneered the study of analysis, both real and complex, and the theory of permutation groups. He also researched in convergence and divergence of infinite series, differential equations, determinants, probability and mathematical physics.

Jean Le Rond d'Alembert

1717 - 1783


Jean d'Alembert was a a French mathematician who was a pioneer in the study of differential equations and their use of in physics. He studied the equilibrium and motion of fluids.

Jean Gaston Darboux

1842 - 1917


Darboux made important contributions to differential geometry and analysis and the Darboux integral is named after him.

Julius Wilhelm Richard Dedekind

1831 - 1916


Dedekind's major contribution was a redefinition of irrational numbers in terms of Dedekind cuts. He introduced the notion of an ideal which is fundamental to ring theory.

Ulisse Dini

1845 - 1918


Johann Peter Gustav Lejeune Dirichlet

1805 - 1859


Dirichlet proved in 1826 that in any arithmetic progression with first term coprime to the difference there are infinitely many primes.

Leonhard Euler

1707 - 1783


Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician who made enormous contibutions to a wide range of mathematics and physics including analytic geometry, trigonometry, geometry, calculus and number theory.

Pierre de Fermat

1601 - 1665


Pierre de Fermat was a French lawyer and government official most remembered for his work in number theory; in particular for Fermat's Last Theorem. He is also important in the foundations of the calculus.

Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier

1768 - 1830


Fourier studied the mathematical theory of heat conduction. He established the partial differential equation governing heat diffusion and solved it by using infinite series of trigonometric functions.

Guido Fubini

1879 - 1943


Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

1777 - 1855


Gauss worked in a wide variety of fields in both mathematics and physics incuding number theory, analysis, differential geometry, geodesy, magnetism, astronomy and optics. His work has had an immense influence in many areas.

George Green

1793 - 1841

Jacques Salomon Hadamard

1865 - 1963


Jacques Hadamard was a French mathematician whose most important result is the prime number theorem which he proved in 1896. This states that the number of primes < n tends to infinity as fast as n/log e n.

Otto Ludwig Hölder

1859 - 1937


Hölder worked on the convergence of Fourier series and in 1884 he discovered the inequality now named after him. He became interested in group theory through Kronecker and Klein and proved the uniqueness of the factor groups in a composition series.

Ernst Eduard Kummer

1810 - 1893


Kummer's main achievement was the extension of results about the integers to other integral domains by introducing the concept of an ideal.

Joseph-Louis Lagrange

1736 - 1813


Lagrange excelled in all fields of analysis and number theory and analytical and celestial mechanics.

Henri Léon Lebesgue

1875 - 1941


Lebesgue formulated the theory of measure in 1901 and the following year he gave the definition of the Lebesgue integral that generalises the notion of the Riemann integral.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

1646 - 1716


Gottfried Leibniz was a German mathematician who developed the present day notation for the differential and integral calculus though he never thought of the derivative as a limit. His philosophy is also important and he invented an early calculating machine.

Guillaume François Antoine Marquis de L'Hôpital

1661 - 1704


De L'Hôpital was a French mathematician who wrote the first textbook on calculus, which consisted of the lectures of his teacher Johann Bernoulli.

Rudolf Otto Sigismund Lipschitz

1832 - 1903


Lipschitz is remembered for the "Lipschitz condition", an inequality that guarantees a unique solution to the differential equation y' = f (x, y).

Colin Maclaurin

1698 - 1746


Colin Maclaurin was a Scottish mathematican who published the first systematic exposition of Newton's methods, written as a reply to Berkeley's attack on the calculus for its lack of rigorous foundations.

Sir Isaac Newton

1643 - 1727


Isaac Newton was the greatest English mathematician of his generation. He laid the foundation for differential and integral calculus. His work on optics and gravitation make him one of the greatest scientists the world has known.

Marc-Antoine Parseval des Chênes

1755 - 1836

Giuseppe Peano

1858 - 1932


Peano was the founder of symbolic logic and his interests centred on the foundations of mathematics and on the development of a formal logical language.

Paul David Gustav du Bois-Reymond

1831 - 1889


Paul du Bois-Reymond gave a continuous function whose Fourier series diverges at every point.

Michel Rolle

1652 - 1719

Michel Rolle was a French mathematician best known for the so-called Rolle's theorem.

Georg Friedrich Bernhard Riemann

1826 - 1866


Riemann's ideas concerning geometry of space had a profound effect on the development of modern theoretical physics. He clarified the notion of integral by defining what we now call the Riemann integral.

James Stirling

1692 - 1770

James Stirling was a Scottish mathematician whose most important work Methodus Differentialis in 1730 is a treatise on infinite series, summation, interpolation and quadrature.

George Gabriel Stokes

1819 - 1903


Stokes established the science of hydrodynamics with his law of viscosity describing the velocity of a small sphere through a viscous fluid.

Otto Stolz

1842 - 1905


Brook Taylor

1685 - 1731


Brook Taylor was an English mathematician who added to mathematics a new branch now called the 'calculus of finite differences', invented integration by parts, and discovered the celebrated formula known as Taylor's expansion.

John Wallis

1616 - 1703


John Wallis was an English mathematician who built on Cavalieri's method of indivisibles to devise a method of interpolation. Using Kepler's concept of continuity he discovered methods to evaluate integrals.

Karl Theodor Wilhelm Weierstrass

1815 - 1897


Weierstrass is best known for his construction of the theory of complex functions by means of power series.