A Passing Glimpse Robert Frost I often see flowers from a passing car That are gone before I can tell what they are. I want to get out of the train and go back To see what they were beside the track. I name all the flowers I am sure they weren't; Not fireweed loving where woods have burnt-- Not bluebells gracing a tunnel mouth-- Not lupine living on sand and drouth. Was something brushed across my mind That no one on earth will ever find? Heaven gives its glimpses only to those Not in position to look too close. 街头十四行歌 方舟子 旅途中常有这样的时候 梦中的女孩匆匆擦肩而过 俊俏容颜刚在心湖激起涟漪 轻盈身影已被人海淹没 甚至来不及以目光问候 更不必说把芳名追索 没有机会对她失望 只好一遍遍设想美好的结果 人生中常有这样的时候 独立街头看著人群来往穿梭 在异国他乡一个平常的角落 不知不觉把最美好的失落 她的消失是茫茫人海中最闪亮的一粒泡沫 我的叹息是喧嚣人潮中最孤独的一支老歌 一九九四、十、十一多伦多唐人街