Homepage of Professor Nanqing Ding

Curriculum VitaePUBLICATIONS


NAME            Nanqing Ding
SEX                Male
ADDRESS     Department of Mathematics     
                       Nanjing University
                       Nanjing 210093, China
PHONE         +86-25-83597452 (O)
FAX               +86-25-83597130 (O)
E-MAIL         nqding@nju.edu.cn
CITIZEN       Chinese
PLACE OF BIRTH   Jiangsu, China
CHILDREN               One son
Ph.D.(Mathematics), Nanjing University, 1993
M. S.(Mathematics), Nanjing University, 1988
B. S.(Mathematics), Nanjing University, 1985


Professor, Nanjing University, 1997 - present
Associate Professor, Nanjing University, 1993 - 1997
Lecturer, Nanjing University, 1990 - 1993
Assistant, Nanjing University, 1988 - 1990
Visiting Professor, Ohio State University, September 2001 - February 2002
Visiting Professor, Ohio State University, May 2000 - June 2000
Visiting Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, March 2000 - April 2000
Visiting Scholar, Tübingen University, Germany, May 1995 – February 1996


 Editor For
 Algebra Colloquium, 2000-present
Homological algebra, Ring theory, Module theory,  Algebraic K-theory, etc.
1.  The Second Award of Science and Technology of Chinese Universities, 2002.
2.  The Second Award of Teaching Results of Jiangsu Province, 2001.
3.  The Young Teacher Award of  Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, 1996.
4.  The Award of Science and Technology for the Young of  Jiangsu Province, 1995.
5. The Award of the Progress of Science and Technology of Ministry of Education of China, 1995.
6. The Grand Award for Teaching, Nanjing University, 1994.
7. The Award of the Progress of Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province, 1990.