- Hong Kong University, Oct. 3--9, 1993.
Given talk (1993-10-06):
A survey of covering theory.
- Trento University (Italy), Sept. 24, 1995--Sept. 6, 1996.
Given talk (1995-10-24): A sketch of covering theory.
- Genova University (Italy), June 4--6, 1996.
Given talk (1996-06-05):
Simple ideas for famous problems.
- Pisa University (Italy), July 11--12, 1996.
Given talk (1996-07-11):
Coverings of the integers and groups.
- Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University,
March 6--August 16, 1999.
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Feb. 28--April 14, 2000.
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, April 7, 2000.
Given talk (2000-04-07):
Various number-theoretic quotients and related congruences.
- Hong Kong University, April 10, 2000.
Given talk (2000-04-10):
Recent progress on covers of the integers
and their applications.
- City University of Hong Kong, April 14, 2000.
Given talk (2000-04-14):
On Hilbert's tenth problem and related topics.
- Chinese University of Hong Kong, July 23--August 22, 2000.
- Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), May 1--June 30, 2002.
Given talk (2002-05-16):
Equalities and inequalities related to covers of $\Bbb Z$ or groups.
- National Sun Yat-sen Univ. (Taiwan), May 27--29, 2002.
Given talk (2002-05-28):
On zero-sum problems.
- National Taiwan Normal Univ. (Taiwan), June 12, 2002.
Given talk (2002-06-12):
On the sum $\sum_{k\equiv r (mod m)}\binom{n}{k}$
and related results.
- National Taiwan Univ., June 24, 2002.
Given talk (2002-06-24):
On the structure of periodic arithmetical maps.
- National Taiwan Univ., Nov. 4--12, 2002.
Given talk (2002-11-06):
On the sum $\sum_{k\equiv r (mod m)}\binom{n}{k}$
and related results.
- Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Nov. 11, 2002.
Given talk (2002-11-11):
Snevily's conjecture on abelian groups and an
algebraic method in combinatorics.
- Kyushu University (Fukuoka, Japan), Nov. 16--22, 2003.
Given talk (2003-11-21):
How to unify covering systems, restricted sumsets and zero-sum
- Northwest University (Xi'an, China), Feb. 12--16, 2004.
Given talk (2004-02-13):
Recent progress on zero-sum problems and Snevily's conjecture.
- ICTP (International Centre for Theoretical Physics) (Trieste, Italy),
May 24--June 12, 2004.
- Graz University (Graz, Austria), June 13--19, 2004.
Given talk (2004-06-14):
Covering systems and their connections to zero-sum problems.
- Vienna University of Technology (Vienna, Austria), June 17, 2004.
Given talk (2004-06-17):
On disjoint systems of residue classes or cosets of subgroups.
- Genova University (Genova, Italy), June 20--25, 2004.
Given talk (2004-06-23):
On the Erd\"os-Heilbronn conjecture and Snevily's conjecture.
- Firenze Univ. (Florence, Italy), June 26--28, 2004.
Given talk (2004-06-28):
On various combinatorial sums and related identites.
- Univ. Roma "Tor Vergata" (Rome, Italy), June 28--30, 2004.
Given talk (2004-06-30):
Two local-global theorems and a powerful formula.
- Institut Camille Jordan, Universit\'e
Claude Bernard Lyon-I (France), Jan. 11--March 10, 2005.
A typical talk (2005-01-13):
Identities and congruences for Bernoulli and Euler polynomials.
- Univ. Saint-Etienne (France), Feb. 1, 2005.
Given talk (2005-02-01):
Problems and results on covering systems.
- Univ. Bordeaux I (France), Feb. 16--18, 2005.
Given talk (2005-02-17):
Some effective results related to covers of Z and zero-sum problems.
- Univ. California at Irvine (USA), May 13, 2005--May 6, 2006.
Given talk (2005-05-25):
Problems and results on covering systems.
Given talk (2005-11-10):
On some conjectures of Erdos-Heilbronn, Lev and Snevily.
Given talk (2006-01-19):
A survey of zero-sum problems on abelian groups.
- Univ. Wisconsin at Madison (USA), April 3--8, 2006.
Given talk (2006-04-04):
Some curious results on Bernoulli and Euler polynomials
Given talk (2006-04-06):
Recent progress on congruences involving binomial coefficients.
- Univ. Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA), April 12--14, 2006.
Given talk (2006-04-13):
Covering systems and periodic arithmetical functions.
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA), April 20--22, 2006.
Given talk (2006-04-21):
Combinatorial aspects of covers of groups by cosets or subgroups.
- Zhejiang Univ., May 24--28, 2006.
Given talk (2006-05-26):
Some congruences motivated by algebraic topology.
- ECNU Workshop on q-Series (East-China Normal Univ., June 21, 2006).
Given talk (2006-06-21):
Some congruences concerning q-Euler numbers,
q-Salie numbers and q-Carlitz numbers.
- Internat. Workshop on Finite Fields and their Appl. (Chenxing Math. Center, July 3--7, 2006).
Given talk (2006-07-07):
p-adic orders of some sums involving binomial coefficients.
- The Fourth China-Japan Conf. on Number Theory (Shandong Univ., Weihai, Aug. 30--Sept. 3, 2006).
Given talk (2006-08-30):
Curious identities and congruences involving Bernoulli polynomials.
- Beijing Normal University, Jan. 25, 2007.
Given talk (2007-01-25):
Problems and results on restricted sumsets.
- The Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), Jan. 22--30, 2007.
Given talk (2007-01-30):
Combinatorial aspects of Szemeredi's theorem.
- Zhejiang University, April 5--8, 2007.
Given talk (2007-04-06):
Additive combinatorics and Latin transversals.
- The Fourth Cross-Strait Conf. on Graph Theory and Combin.
(National Taiwan Univ., Taipei, June 24--27, 2007).
Given talk (2007-06-24):
An additive theorem and restricted sumsets.
- National Cheng Kung University (Tainan), June 28--29, 2007.
Given talk (2007-06-28):
Sums of squares and triangular numbers, and Rado numbers for linear equations.
- The 19th Annual Int. Conf. on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combin.
(Nankai Univ., Tianjin, July 2--6, 2007).
Given talk (2007-07-04):
An additive theorem related to Latin transversals.
- The 2007 Annual. Conference of the Chinese Math. Soc.
(Beijing, Nov. 1--4, 2007).
Invited talk (2007-11-3):
Some famous problems and related results in combinatorial number theory.
- The 4th Int. Congress of the Chinese Mathematicians
(Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou, Dec. 17--22, 2007).
Invited talk (2007-12-21):
Groups in combinatorial number theory.
- Tongji Univ., Shanghai, Jan. 18--21, 2007.
Given talk (2008-01-18):
Various extensions of some basic results in combinatorial number theory.
- The 6th Shanghai Conference on Combinatorics
(Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., May 24--28, 2008).
Plenary talk (2008-05-28):
Recent problems and results involving binomial coefficients.
- Suzhou Univ., Suzhou, June 18--20, 2008.
Given talk (2008-06-19):
An extremal problem on covers of abelian groups.
- Nankai Univ., Tianjin, June 23--25, 2008.
Given talk (2008-06-24):
An extremal problem on covers of abelian groups.
- The Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing), June 26--30, 2008.
Given talk (2007-06-29):
Study covers of groups via characters and number theory.
- The 5th China-Japan Conf. on Number Theory (Kinki Univ., Osaka, Japan), August 27--Sept.1, 2008.
Given talk (2008-08-28):
On representations of integers involving triangular numbers.
- Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, Nov. 29--Dec. 3, 2008.
Given talk (2008-12-01):
An extremal problem on covers of abelian groups.
- Anhui Normal University, Wuhu, April 22--25, 2009.
Given talk (2009-04-23):
Some new conjectures involving primes.
- Ynacheng Normal College, Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, June 14--17, 2009.
Given talk (2009-06-16):
Some new conjectures involving primes.
- The Fifth Cross-Strait Conf. on Graph Theory and Combin.
(Nankai Univ., Tianjin, July 28--August 1, 2009).
Plenary (one-hour) talk (2009-07-31):
Probelms and results in additive combinatorics.
- International Conference on Number Theory and Representations
(Shandong Univ., Weihai, August 2--August 7, 2009).
Given talk (2009-08-03):
Polygonal numbers, primes and ternary quadratic forms.
- Harish-Chandra Research Institute (Jhusi, Allahabad, India), Jan. 16--Feb. 16, 2010.
Six talks were given, here are the last three:
(Feb. 4, 2010)
On the DKSS technique and the DKSS conjecture.
(Feb. 6, 2010)
Some sophisticated applications of the Combinatorial Nullstellensatz.
(Feb. 8, 2010)
Conjectures and results on super congruences.
- Capital Normal University, Beijing, April 8--10, 2010.
Given talk (2010-04-09):
Conjectures for super congruences and series for
π and other constants.
- The Second International Workshop on Number Theory, Combinatorics and their Interactions
(Luoyang Normal Univ., Luoyang, May 1--3, 2010).
Given talk (2010-05-02):
Conjectures for super congruences and series for
π and other constants.
- Pacific Rim Conference on Mathematics
(Stanford University (USA), June 28--July 2, 2010).
Invited talk (2010-07-02):
Super congruences involving binomial coefficients and new series for
some famous constants.
- The National Center for Theoretical Sciences
(Hsinchu, Taiwan; August 1--August 8, 2010).
Given talk (2010-08-02):
Problems and results in additive combinatorics.
Given talk (2010-08-04):
Arithmetic properties of combinatorial quantities.
- The National Chiao Tung University
(Hsinchu, Taiwan; August 5, 2010).
Given talk (2010-08-05):
On divisibilitity concerning binomial coefficients.
- The 5th National Conference on Number Theory
(Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China; December 25-28, 2010).
Given talk (2010-12-27):
Correspondence between series and congruences.
- Shanghai Jiaotong University (March 14-18, 2011).
Given talk (2011-03-15):
p-adic congruences on combinatorial sums involving binomial coefficients,
Given talk (2011-03-17):
p-adic congruences on combinatorial sums involving binomial coefficients (II).
- Zhejiang University
(Hangzhou, China; March 24-26, 2011)
Given talks (2011-03-25):
(1) On weighted extension of the Erdos-Heilbronn conjecture,
(2) Dense subsets of the ring of p-adic integers and combinatorial congruences.
- Hsinghua University
(Beijing, China; April 13-14, 2011).
Given talk (2011-04-14):
Number theory behind series for 1/π.
- Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
(Beijing, China; April 15, 2010)
Given talk (2011-04-15):
On the DKSS conjecture for finite abelian groups.
- Capital Normal University
(Beijing, China; April 15, 2011)
Given talk (2011-04-15):
x2 mod
p2 with
- Workshop in Combinatorics (Peking University, China; May 7-8, 2011)
Given talk (2011-05-7):
On the DKSS conjecture for finite abelian groups.
- Chern Institute of Mathematics, Nankai University
(Tianjin, China; May 9-15, 2011)
Given talk (2011-05-11):
Number theory behind series for 1/π.
- Shandong University
(Jinan, China; May 24-26, 2010)
Given talk (2010-05-25):
On the DKSS conjecture for finite abelian groups.
- Conference on Number Theory and relatd Fields
(Hefei and Huangshan, China; June 7-12, 2011)
Given talk (2010-06-08):
Conjectures and results on
x2 mod
p2 with
- The National Chiao Tung University
(Hsinchu, Taiwan; June 27-July 2, 2011)
Given talk (2010-06-28):
Combinatorial congruences via the Zeilberger algorithm.
- Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), July 3-24, 2011.
Given talk (2011-07-06):
On arithmetic properties of Bell numbers and Delannoy numbers.
Given talk (2011-07-12):
Conjectures and results on generalized central trinomial
coefficients and Motzkin numbers.
Given talk (2011-07-14):
Number theory behind series for 1/π.
- I-Shou University
(Kaohsiung, July 18-19, 2011)
Given talk (2011-07-19):
On the DKSS conjecture for finite abelian groups.
- The National Center for Theoretical Sciences
(Hsinchu, Taiwan; July 19-22, 2011).
Given talk (2011-07-20):
Some sophisticated congruences involving Fibonacci numbers.
- East-China Normal University (Shanghai; Oct. 27-29, 2011).
Given talk (2011-10-29):
Number Theory behind Series for Powers of π.
- The 2nd National Conference on Combinatorial Number Theory (Guangzhou; Nov. 24-26, 2011).
Given talk (2011-11-25):
p-adic Congruences Motivated by Series.
- Jiangsu Normal University (Xuzhou; March 22, 2012).
Given talk (2012-03-22):
On Functions Taking Only Prime Values.
- The Morningside Center of Mathematics (Beijing), April 18--22, 2012.
Given talk (2012-04-21):
On Functions Taking Only Prime Values and Related New Conjectures on Primes.
- Tsinghua University (Beijing), April 20, 2012.
Given talk (2012-04-20):
Some Sophisticated Congruences involving Fibonacci Numbers.
- Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Changsha; June 9-11, 2011).
Plenary talk (2012-06-10):
Generate Primes in a Combinatorial Manner.
- The 5th National Conference on Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Luoyang; July 16-19, 2011).
Plenary talk (2012-07-18):
Primes from the Viewpoint of Combinatorics.
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA (July 23-August 30, 2012).
Given talk (2012-08-28):
Various New Observations about Primes.
- City University of New York, USA (August 23-24, 2012).
Given talk (2012-08-23):
p-adic Congruences Motivated by Series.
- Dalian University of Technology (Nov. 14-15, 2012).
Given talk (2012-11-15):
Refinements of Some Famous Problems on Primes.
- Dalian Maritime University (Nov. 16-17, 2012).
Given talk (2012-11-16):
Conjectures involving Arithmetical Sequences.
- Center for Combinatorics, Nankai University (Nov. 30--Dec. 2, 2012).
Given talk (2012-12-01):
The Riddle of Primes.
- Tsinghua University (April 12, 2013).
Given talk (2013-04-12): Apery Numbers, Franel Numbers and Binary Quadratic Forms.
- The Morningside Center of Mathematics (Beijing), April 13--15, 2013.
Given talk (2013-04-13):
Sums of Consecutive Primes and Related Conjectures.
- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (April 26--May 5, 2013).
Given talk (2013-05-02): Apery Numbers, Franel Numbers and Binary Quadratic Forms.
- Hong Kong University (May 3, 2013).
Given talk (2013-05-03):
Some New Representation Problems involving Primes.
- Guangxi Normal University (June 22-26, 2013).
Given talk (2013-06-24):
Combinatorial Congruences via Zeilberger's Algorithm and Trees with Prime Vertices.
- The 5th International Symposium on Graph Theory and Combin. Algorithms (July 12-15, 2012).
Given talk (2012-07-14):
Combinatorial Congruences via Zeilberger's Algorithm and Trees with Prime Vertices.
- Zhejiang Univ. (Nov. 14-17, 2013).
Given talk (2013-11-15):
Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics.
- Xiamen Univ. (Dec. 19-22, 2013).
Given talk (2013-12-20):
Write n = k+m with f(k,m) Prime.
- Central China Normal Uni. (Jan. 2-5, 2014).
Given talk (2014-01-03):
Congruences for Franel Numbers.
- Xiamen Univ. (March 20-23, 2014).
Given talk (2014-03-21):
Problems on Combinatorial Properties of Primes.
- Tsinghua Univ. (April 18, 2014).
Given talk (2014-04-18):
Problems on Combinatorial Properties of Primes.
- The Morningside Center of Mathematics (Beijing), April 16--20, 2014.
Given talk (2014-04-19):
Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics.
- The 2nd Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Changsha, June 1-2), 2014.
Given talk (2014-06-02):
Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics.
- The Workshop on Analytic Number Theory and Cryptology (Beijing, June 14-15), 2014.
Given talk (2014-06-14):
On Some Arithmetic Functions.
- Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), July 15--29, 2014.
Given talk (2014-07-24):
Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics.
- Impact of Computation on Number Theory (National Center of Theoretical Science, Hsinchu, July 30--August 3), 2014.
Plenary talk (2014-08-03):
Determinants, Permutations and Additive Combinatorics.
- National Center of Theoretical Science, Hsinchu, Taiwan, July 29--August 10, 2014.
Given talk (2014-08-06):
Towards the Twin Prime Conjecture.
- Northwest University, Xi'an, October 25--28, 2014.
Given talk (2014-10-26):
Towards the Twin Prime Conjecture.
Given talk (2014-10-27):
Supercongruences Motivated by e.
- Center for Applied Mathematics, Tianjin Univ., Oct. 30--Nov. 2, 2014.
Given talk (2014-10-31):
Congruences for Franel Numbers.
- Center for Combinatorics, Nankai Univ., Tianjin, Nov. 3-4, 2014.
Given talk (2014-11-03):
Towards the Twin Prime Conjecture.
- Jiangsu Normal Univ., Xuzhou, Jan. 8-11, 2015.
Given talk (2015-01-09):
On generalized central trinomial coefficients.
- Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, April 19-21, 2015.
Given talk (2015-04-20):
On combinatorial properties of primes.
- Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, May 8, 2015.
Given talk (2015-05-08):
On universal sums involving polygonal numbers.
- The Morningside Center of Mathematics (Beijing), May 7--11, 2015.
Given talk (2015-05-10):
Consecutive primes and Legendre symbols.
- Dalian University of Technology, May 28--31, 2015.
Given talk (2015-05-29):
On generalized central trinomial coefficients.
- Connections in Discrete Mathematics (Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby, Vancouver, Canada, June 15--19, 2015).
Given talk (2015-06-16):
On universal sums involving polygonal numbers.
- The 8th Cross-Strait Conf. on Graph Theory and Comb.(National Sun Yat-sen Univ., Kaohsiung, June 26--July 2, 2015).
Given talk (2015-06-28):
New divisibility results on certain sums of binomial coefficients.
- Suzhou University, January 10--12, 2017.
Given talk (2017-01-11):
The 1-3-5 conjecture and related topics.
- Jiangsu Normal University, March 11--14, 2017.
Given talk (2017-03-13):
Restricted sums of three or four squares.
- Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, April 15--18, 2017.
Given talk (2017-04-18):
Further results on Hilbert's tenth problem.
- Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, April 21--24, 2017.
Given talk (2017-04-22):
On three-square theorem and its applications.
- Hebei Normal University, May 13--16, 2017.
Given talk (2017-05-15):
On Hilbert's tenth problem.
- The 5th National Conf. on Combin. Number Theory (Huaiyin Normal College, Sept. 15--17, 2017).
Given talk (2017-09-16):
On Hilbert's tenth problem.
- Northwest University, October 18--21, 2017.
Given talk (2017-10-19):
On the DKSS conjecture for finite abelian groups.
Given talk (2017-10-20):
On the generalized central trinomial coefficients.
- The 9th Cross-strait Conf. on Graph Theory and Combin., November 2--5, 2017.
Plenary talk (2017-11-3):
A survey of arithmetic properties of combinatorial quantities.
- Jiangsu University, November 23--26, 2017.
Given talk (2017-11-24):
On Snevily's conjecture and related topics.
- Shandong University, November 30--December 3, 2017.
Given talk (2017-12-01):
On Snevily's conjecture and related topics.
- The 3rd Workshop on Combinatorics and Graph Theory at Hunan University (Changsha, December 8--10, 2017).
Given talk (2017-12-10):
On Snevily's conjecture and related topics.
- The 4th Sichuan-Chongqing Workshop on Number Theory (Nanchong, December 22--24, 2017).
Given talk (2017-12-23):
On universal sums x(ax+b)/2+y(cy+d)/2+z(ez+f)/2.
- Southern Univ. of Sci. and Tech., Janunary 11--13, 2018.
Given talk (2018-01-12):
On covers of groups by cosets.
- Shenzhen Univ., January 13, 2018.
Given talk (2018-01-13):
On universal sums x(ax+b)/2+y(cy+d)/2+z(ez+f)/2.
- Xia Univ., Jaunary 14--16, 2018.
Given talk (2018-01-15):
On Hilbert's tenth problem.
- Xia Univ., Jaunary 14--16, 2018.
Given talk (2018-01-15):
On Hilbert's tenth problem.
- Institute of Systems Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, January 28-30, 2018.
Given talk (2018-01-29):
Problems and results on sums of squares.
- Conference on Combinatorics and its Applications (Harbin, May 18-20, 2018).
Given talk (2018-05-19):
Determinants, permutations and additive combinatorics.
- Wuhan Univ., June 14-17, 2018.
Given talk (2018-06-15):
Problems and results on sums of squares.
- Saint Petersburg Dept. of Steklov Math. Institute of Russian Academy of Sciencess (July 15-30, 2018).
Given talk (2018-07-19):
Determinants, permutations and additive combinatorics.
Given talk (2018-07-20):
Problems and results on sums of squares.
- Summer Research Institute on q-Series (Tianjin, July 25--August 15, 2018).
Given talk (2018-08-14):
Historical remarks on my conjectural series.
Given talk (2018-08-15):
On q-analogues of some identities and congruences.
- 2018 Conference on Number Theory and its Applications (Yan'an, August 19-22, 2018).
Given talk (2018-08-20):
On some determinants involving Legendre or Jacobi symbols.