W anyang D ai

Distinguished Professor/Ph.D. Advisor
School of Mathematics, Nanjing Uni., China
Email: nan5lu8@nju.edu.cn
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President & CEO: SIR Fourm (Industrial 6.0 Forum)
Chief Editor: Advances in Applied Mathematics
Editor: Wireless Engineering and Technology

Internet of blockchains for Metaverse with greedy competing and optimal sharing

(Wanyang Dai, 11/13/2021)


      Internet of blockchains (IoB) designed in our papers [1]-[3] will be the core supporting platform of Metaverse that is the booming area in industrial and business sectors. Decentralization is the typical representation of IoB and game-theoretic approach is a suitable way to propose optimal and/or fair dynamic polices in terms of resource allocation and pricing for IoB. Thus, in our papers [1]-[4], we developed utility-maximization game-theoretic polices together with their dual-cost minimization game-theoretic polices for such a purpose. They represent greedy competing and optimal fairly sharing simultaneously. The generalized service pools in our IoB can be considered as virtue reality servers to support the real big data services and virtue big data services as designed in our paper [1], which can be virtually visualized as proposed in Metaverse. Therefore, the designed IoB model in our papers [1]-[3] well matches the business target of a Metavesre system.


      On March 10 of 2021, the first concept stock ¡°Roblox¡± of Metaverse went to market with a value over 40 billion U.S. Dollars, and on October 28 of 2021, Facebook Inc. changed his name to Meta Platforms Inc.. to develop Metaverse. By chance, Internet of blockchains (IoB) designed in our papers [1]-[3] well matches the development of Metaverse and will be its core supporting platform. Decentralization is the typical representation of IoB and game-theoretic approach is a suitable way to propose optimal and/or fair dynamic polices in terms of resource allocation and pricing within IoB. Thus, in our papers [1]-[4], we developed utility-maximization game-theoretic polices with their corresponding dual-cost minimization game-theoretic polices for such a purpose. They represent greedy competing and optimal fairly sharing simultaneously. The generalized service pools in our IoB can be considered as virtue reality servers to support the real big data services and virtue big data services as designed in our paper [1], which can be virtually visualized as proposed in Metaverse. Therefore, the designed IoB model in our papers [1]-[3] well matches the business target for a Metavesre system.

    Analytics Components

      For the descriptive aspect, we have established a generic IoB model to describe the booming system of Metaverse. For the predictive aspect, we have designed real and virtue big data services to match the business target of Metaverse. Furthermore, we have developed theory to effectively justify our general-dimensional stochastic models to present the data flow dynamics in our generic model. Based on these stochastic models, we have conducted numerical and statistical simulation to justify the advantages of our designed game-theoretic dynamical policies (Refs. [1]-[4]). For the prescriptive aspect, our established system platform becomes a typical model to present Metaverse, which will be the core technology and can be virtually visualized as proposed in Metaverse.


      Our generic IoB system model is important in supporting Metaverse. Owing to these facts, Wanyang Dai was elected to be the (2019, 2020, 2021) President & CEO of SIR Forum (Ref. [5]) and was honorably invited to be the keynote speakers of various IEEE and other international conferences. Besides, he was also honorably invited to give a guest speech in People's Bank of China concerning FinTech and InsurTech. Just recently on November 13 of 2021, Wanyang Dai was invited by China Jiangsu Network to talk about Metaverse and Virtue Reality Services (see, Ref. [6]).


      [1] Wanyang Dai, ¡°Platform modeling and scheduling game with multiple intelligent cloud-computing pools for Big Data¡±, Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems 24(5) 506-552, 2018.
      [2] Wanyang Dai, ¡°Quantum-computing with AI & blockchain: modeling, fault tolerance, and capacity scheduling¡±, Mathematical and Computer Modeling of Dynamical Systems 25(6) 523-559, 2019.
      [3] Wanyang Dai, ¡°Internet of quantum blockchains: security modeling and dynamic resource pricing for stable digital currency¡±, arXiv (40 pages) at https://arxiv.org/abs/2104.07323, April 16, 2021.
      [4] Wanyang Dai, ¡°Optimal rate scheduling via utility-maximization for J-user MIMO Markov wireless channels with cooperation¡±, Operations Research 61(6) 1450-1462 (with additional 26 page proof of online e-companion (Supplemental)), 2013.
      [5] SIR Forum was founded in Los Angeles on February, 2018, which is a global non-profit organization dedicated putting synergy to enable and lead the Sixth Industrial Revolution powered by blockchain and quantum computing technologies, with members from scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, and investors in the blockchain and quantum computing industries around the world.
      [6] Wanyang Dai, ¡°Metaverse and virtue reality services¡±, an interview with China Jiangsu Network

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