- Zhi-Wei Sun, Unification of zero-sum
problems, subset sums and covers of Z,
Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc., 9(2003), 51--60.
MR 2004i:11017
[Submitted on 2003-03-20 and accepted on 2003-06-17, communicated by R. L. Graham.]
This announcement is the first publication on the unification!
- Zhi-Wei Sun, Zero-sum problems
for abelian p-groups and covers of the integers by residue classes,
Israel J. Math. 170(2009), 235--252.
Comment from the referee (August, 2007):
"We highly recommend the publication of this manuscript."
- Zhi-Wei Sun, How to unify covering systems, restricted sumsets and
zero-sum problems,
a talk given at EACAC2 (Fukuoka, Nov. 21, 2003) with some historic remarks.
- Comment from I. Ruzsa (May 1, 2003):
"Certainly these are very interesting questions."
- Comment from D. Zeilberger (May 1, 2003):
"Sounds interesting! Good luck with developing your
new theory."
- Comment from Y. N. Yeh (Jan. 1, 2004):
"I have read your wonderful paper. You tell people the secret to
connect three important topics in combinatorial number theory.
You are a very excellent mathematician!"
- Comment from a paper of V. Dimitrov: "We note that a deep unification of
zero-sum problems, subset sums
and covers of Z (the three main areas of additive number theory,
each initiated by P. Erdos) was very recently established in
[Zhi-Wei Sun, Electron. Res. Announc. Amer. Math. Soc. 9(2003), 51-60]."
- Comment from a letter of P. Mills (July 22, 2004): "Very deep work!"
- Comment from Noga Alon (Nov. 5, 2008): "In his paper on zero-sum problems,
subset sums and covers of the integers, Sun found beautiful, unexpected relations
between three well studied topics."