
教授 (博导、重要学科岗)
量子计算区块链国际工业革命论坛 理事长
江苏大数据区块链与智能信息专委会 主任
江苏省概率 统计学会    理事长
江苏金融科技研究中心 特邀专家
国际《人工智能与机器学习》杂志  主审


  • 论文信息

  • 英文摘要

      Internet of quantum blockchains (IoB) will be the future Internet. In this paper, we make two new contributions to IoB: developing a block based quantum channel networking technology to handle its security modeling in face of the quantum supremacy and establishing IoB based FinTech platform model with dynamic pricing for stable digital currency. The interaction between our new contributions is also addressed. In doing so, we establish a generalized IoB security model by quantum channel networking in terms of both time and space quantum entanglements with quantum key distribution (QKD). Our IoB can interact with general structured things (e.g., supply chain systems) having online trading and payment capability via stable digital currency and can handle vector-valued data streams requiring synchronized services. Thus, within our designed QKD, a generalized random number generator for private and public keys is proposed by a mixed zero-sum and non-zero-sum resource-competition pricing policy. The effectiveness of this policy is justified by diffusion modeling with approximation theory and numerical implementations.

  • 中文简介

      区块链技术正在快速发展,它是支撑价值互联将来互联网的核心技术,而基于此的数字货币也在快速展开,数字人民币、数字美 元、数字欧元等正引起各国关注。针对此,该文以两阶段竞争博弈与优化为基础研究了稳定数字货币资源动态定价的问题。该文 于2020年11月获得了江苏省应用统计学会优秀论文一等奖并应邀在国际会议上作了大会主旨报告。

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