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- 英文摘要
We develop a global Stein estimator through Malliavin derivatives to estimate the multi-variable intensity functions of general d-dimensional
spatial inhomogeneous Poisson point processes (IPPPs). The gain performance between our Stein estimator and a tested maximum likelihood (ML)
estimator is analyzed via Malliavin calculus. In comparison with existing homogeneous studies, our inhomogeneous cases are more complex in a
global way and more real in practice. In the numerical simulation experiments, our estimated intensity functions via the Stein estimator well
match the true one, which outperform the ones obtained by the ML estimator with an average gain larger than 30% concerning mean squared errors
(MSEs). Hence, our Stein method is more robust with smaller MSEs. We also establish the mean-squared convergence with error estimation for our
Stein estimator. Comparing with the existing study, our observation window for an IPPP is a d-dimensional rectangle and its boundary is not
C^{2}-smooth. This non-smoothness introduces additional complexity to our convergence analysis. Thus, a weak convergence approach is employed
to overcome this difficulty.
- 中文摘要
- 关键词与关键技术
- Multi-variable intensity function, spatial inhomogeneous Poisson point process, Stein estimator, Malliavin calculus, big data
- 随机优化近年来受到很大关注,2018年世界数学家大会(ICM 2018)曾邀请了1小时报告,相比于确定性优化方法有诸多优点,关键在二阶导数随机扰动
- 相关论文
- W. Dai, Brownian approximations for queueing networks with finite buffers: modeling, heavy traffic analysis
and numerical implementations
, Ph.D. Dissertation, Georgia Institute of
Technology, U.S.A., 1996, and UMI Dissertation Services (with Publishing No. 9714724), A Bell & Howell Company, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48106, U.S.A., 1997
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