
教授 (博导、重要学科岗)
量子计算区块链国际工业革命论坛 理事长
江苏大数据区块链与智能信息专委会 主任
江苏省概率 统计学会    理事长
江苏金融科技研究中心 特邀专家
国际《人工智能与机器学习》杂志  主审


  • 论文发表信息

  • 英文摘要

      In this paper, we develop a blockchain based decision-making system via federated learning along with an evolving convolution neural net, which can be applied to assemble-to-order services and Metaverses. The design and analysis of an optimal policy computing algorithm for smart contracts within the blockchain will be the focus. Inside the system, each order associated with a demand may simultaneously require multiple service items from different suppliers and the corresponding arrival rate may depend on blockchain history data represented by a long-range dependent stochastic process. The optimality of the computed dynamic policy on maximizing the expected infinite-horizon discounted profit is proved concerning both demand and supply rate controls with dynamic pricing and sequential packaging scheduling in an integrated fashion. Our policy is a pathwise oriented one and can be easily implemented online. The effectiveness of our optimal policy is supported by simulation comparisons.

  • 国际会议特邀大会嘉宾主旨报告(Keynote Speeches)

    • 该文中的主要学术成就曾作为特邀大会嘉宾主旨报告在国际会议上报告。
    • Partial results in the paper were presented as invited keynote talks in international conferences.

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