Professor of Mathematics
Nanjing University 



1. 2020.02-2020.06, An Introduction to Representation Theory and Modules, Every Tuesday 14:00-17:00, Teaching Building (Gulou Campus) 105.
Before Class 1;  Before Class 2;  Before Class 3;  Zhanghao's Note
Lecture 1;  Lecture 2;  Lecture 3Lecture 4;  Lecture 5;  Lecture 6Lecture 7;  Lecture 8;  Lecture 9;  Lecture 10;  Lecture11;  Lecture 12;  Lecture 13;
Lecture 14;  Lecture 15;  Lecture 16;  Collection of Lectures.
2. 2021.03-2020.06, An Introduction to Representation Theory and Modules, Every Tuesday 14:00-17:00, Teaching Building (Gulou Campus) 103.


1) An Introduction to Nichols Algebras, 2020.02-2020.06, Every Tuesday 19:00-21:30, West Building (Gulou Campus) 108 (According to situation, the place may change).
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2020.09-2021.01, An Introduction to Nichols Algebras, Every Wensday 19:00-21:30, Jia Yi Building (Gulou Campus) (According to situation, the place may change).

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2021.03-2021.07, Hopf Algebras and Root Systemss, Every Wensday 19:00-21:30, Online, (According to situation, the place may change).

2021.09-2022.02, Hopf Algebras and Root Systemss, Every Wensday 19:3 0-21:30, Online, (According to situation, the place may change).


2) Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, Kac's Book, 2020.02-2020.06, Every Sunday 8:30-11:30, West Building (Gulou Campus) 308 (According to situation, the place may change).
Lecture 1Lecture 2Lecture 3Lecture 4Lecture 5Lecture 6Lecture 7Lecture 8Lecture 9Lecture 10Lecture 11Lecture 12Lecture 13Sec10.09-10Sec11.1-11.2Sec11.3-11.6Sec11.7-11.8
2020.09-2021.01, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, Kac's Book, Every Saturday 8:30-11:30, West Building (Gulou Campus) 308 (According to situation, the place may change).
2021.03-2021.06, Infinite Dimensional Lie Algebras, Kac's Book, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building (Gulou Campus) 308 (According to situation, the place may change).

3) Tensor Category, EGNO's Book, 2021.06-present, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building (Gulou Campus) 308 (According to situation, the place may change).
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2021.09-2022.02, Tensor Categories, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building 308, (According to situation, the place may change).

2022.02-2022.07, Tensor Categories, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building 308, (According to situation, the place may change).

2023.02-2023.07, Tensor Categories, Every Friday 19:00-21:00, On line,

4) Triangulated Category, Pu Zhang's Book, 2021.06-present, Every Friday 19:30-21:30, On line.
2022.02-2022.07, Triangulated Category, Pu Zhang's Book, Every Friday 19:30-21:30, On line.


5) Tilting Theory, 2023.02-present, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building 308.

6) Vertex Operator Algebras, The book written by Lepowsky and Haisheng Li 2023.10-present, Every Sunday 9:00-11:30, West Building 308.

Hints For EGNO's Book.
